Accountants for a Changing World

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K. Barlow Pang, CPA

K. Barlow Pang
Phone 617-338-6800 ext. 367

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Kin Barlow Pang, CPA, MSA a partner at Miller Wachman LLP, graduated from Bentley University with a Master Degree in Accountancy.  Before re-joining our firm, Barlow was an Audit Manager at Deloitte & Touche, Boston office.  Barlow has worked as a controller at various privately-held companies in Hong Kong and China.  He has extensive experience in providing assurance, complex accounting and consulting services for public and private sectors.  He specializes in US GAAP, IFRS and Hong Kong and China tax issues.  He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants.